Why doesn't Editor open either from organizer or on the start screen?

in elments 11, worked after install.


now, weeks later, editor not open.


suggestions please!


thanks much



please try couple of probable solutions mentioned below:


solution 1:

  1. close elements.
  2. launch photoshop elements welcome screen , hold down ctrl + alt + shift click editor.
  3. continue hold keys until see message box asking if want delete photoshop elements settings file; click yes. elements open default preferences.


solution 2: in case network printer attached try launch without network or printer uninstall or make different printer default.

solution 3: try launching anti-virus off or removing pse conflicting list.

solution 4: launch editor directly exe. go c:\program files (x86)\adobe\photoshop elements 11" , launch photoshopelementseditor.exe

More discussions in Photoshop Elements



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