How to enter 2nd Electronic Signature?

we instituted electronic signature our engineers using acrobat x pro , third party certification. plan first engineer sign pdf document , email second engineer signature , approval. system works when convert word document pdf, shows pdf producer (file => properties) adobe pdf library. however, when use interactive acrobat document generated our publications department, shows pdf producer adobe livecycle designer es 9.0. latter document, first engineers can sign document, in "sign document" dialogue box "lock document after signing" option not available. result, document locked first person signed , second person cannot sign it.

is there option select enable second person sign document if generated adobe lifecycle designer?

i suspect you're dealing dynamic xfa form , attempting place additional signature, opposed signing preexisting digital signature field. should work if form has many digital signature fields needed. won't otherwise. note if form dynamic xfa doesn't need (e.g., because you're not adding or autoexpanding fields @ run-time), might able create static xfa form , users able place many signatures needed.

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